Let's Talk Nominating Committees...
The Nominating Committee is incredibly important to every PTA - think of them like the major league recruiters for your PTA!
Officially, the Nominating Committee works to find and recommend qualified nominees for the elected offices of the PTA - which means the committee has a tremendous influence on the future of the PTA and its elected members should be knowledgeable about PTA, and should also reflect the entire community the PTA serves. Did You Know?
Not only does the Nominating Committee need to be elected two months before the election meeting so that they have time to work, the election meeting needs to be scheduled before the second week of April, in order to ensure that the president-elect is able to attend Convention, per your bylaws. This means the nominating committee should be elected in January or February. |
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You can also find more information courtesy of California State PTA! Just click the link to find out more information. |